Humility – modest opinion or estimate of one’s own importance, rank, etc.
Service – an act of helpful activity
Accept – to undertake the responsibility, duties, honors, etc.
Humility accepts service. Accepting service humbles. Service humlbes acceptance.
Seems circular doesn’t it. All three words are entwined around each other. It’s hard to find any of them not in the vicinity of the others. Humility and service seem natural together, but how does accept fit in?
A friend of mine is healing from a severe illness. He related to me some of the feelings he had while in the hospital. Feelings of helplessness and humiliation. Bad feelings. Feelings of being a burden. He recognized the desire to help him in those around him. But how do you repay that kind of help?
Simple harsh answer? You don’t. You Can’t. As in no one on the planet is able to repay such a gift or favor. It’s that simple. You just can’t. It’s not possible; but you can pass it on. How? That is up to you. Only you will see yourself in those in need. You are the only one who can say “I was there. I know what it’s like. I can’t repay. But I can pass it on.”
Will you be there? Will you allow those who have accepted help from others, the privilege of service to others?
It’s not an easy answer. In order to say yes, you would have to be strong enough to open yourself to others when you are at your weakest and most vulnerable. And it isn’t fear that gets in the way. Most often it is pride. We are to proud to show weakness or need.
Don’t let pride stop you from asking for help. If you are the type that is always helping others, allow them to say thank you or pass it on by helping you. Helping and being helped brings everyone closer. We can always use more of that.