Most of us have jobs. And most of us bring home a paycheck. It is a system that works fairly well for the most part. We work 8 hours a day. That is more time, without a break, than we spend any other place, except for bed. And some of us don’t spend that much time in bed. Actually, most of us don’t. Not to mention our families. How much time do we spend with them? Maybe an hour in the morning, or 3 or 4 in the eveinig if we eat together. After work. After we have spent all day dealing with the crabby boss or contrary coworker. What do we bring to the table? Do we bring home the person our loved ones adore on the weekends, or do we bring home the tired drone covered in someone else’s crap? And how much does our choice of occupation have anything to do with it? Or our place of occupation? How do the people we work with influence our daily lives? How do we affect how our coworkers lives? What do we give them of ourselves to take home? What do we choose to take home of them? We need to consider these things. If we don’t like what we are doing, we shouldn’t be doing it. If we can’t have fun and enjoy the people we are around, we shouldn’t be there. We apply these rules to life, and we should apply them to work too. We take home so much more than just a paycheck, shouldn’t we bring home the good stuff?