Ode de Spam

I love my g-mail account. Here’s why. I’m guessing that gmail provides the ads we see on various webpages that also send us email when we visit the sites. That’s why g-mail’s spam filter is soooo very excellent. Google already knows they are spam. That being said, I decided to paruse the spam cataogory and actually read some of the headers of the 100 odd spam messages relegated to email hell in the last few days. Now, I know my demographics are out there. I do. Google has them, Google tracks my searches and know what I’m interested in. I know this information is available – I’ve had spam messages about it – showing off how it will benefit my enterprise to be able to access this info. So, why, in the infinite wisdom of the internet, am I getting spam that has no relevance to me what-so-ever?
I am a mother of 3 living in the south, happily married for quite a long time, and stably employed. Here is a sample of what spammers think I might be interested in:

    Gay singles in your area (San Francisco) Really? When did I move across the country?

    Work at Home and make Thousands I work a full time job and have three sons in their late teens. What part of work do you think I don’t do already?

    Enlargement tablets! FREE SAMPLES!!! Obviously they don’t understand the equipment part of female. I’m a MOTHER, remember? Now start talking upper body and you might just get my attention.

    Adjust the behavior of your child by following our program. No thanks. I’ll stick to the methods that I was brought up with. They have worked well so far. Try sending me a message that says ‘How to get your teen to do his chores in 3 easy steps’ and then INCLUDE THEM!!! Not only will I click on that, if the steps work, I’ll visit your site and see what else you have.

Jeeez, you would think spammers would care about demographics. They might get better results.