I Wonder…

The person that hugs you after a bad day, no questions asked. Does he know?
Does he know how everything is right with the world while he holds you?
Does he feel the relief wash over you?
Does he know about the tears of joy you hold back?
Does he know seeing him is the highlight of your day? Even after all this time?
Does he know that it is his strenght that holds you up during the worst times?
Does he know that it’s his hands that mend your broken spirit?
Does he know that he is your better half?
Does he know how much his work means to you? How much you want his dreams to come true?
Does he know that you study every inch of him? Know every muscle, and ridge? Every rough callous and scar?
Does he know you watch him give all that he is to all that loves? That you know what he has given up, and is willing to give for you?
Does he know you would rather be alone than be without him?

Tell him. Even if he already knows.