To Love Enough

I’m sitting in the apartment I share with my oldest son while he is in school. An a room mate who is looking for a job. My youngest son will be up here in the fall to start school. My oldest should graduate in December. My room mate will find a job. Eventually my husband will join me up here when the house in another city is finished. I have a good life. I get along well with my children. I don’t have everything I want, but I have everything I need. I have enough.
My car is 14 years old. Would I like a new BMW? Sure! Feel free to buy me one. But I don’t need it. Would I like a raise at work? Of course I would! The renovations would go much faster. My husband, who is nearing 60, could retire. But we will get there anyway. We have enough. We even have enough to share. The room mate seems comfortable, but he is not one to complain.
Sure, there are numerous things that would make life easier or simpler. And there are things that could become much worse. But I like the way things are right now. Yes, there is a struggle to make ends meet, and the satisfaction of accomplishing those ends. The tired ache of a hard day working in the yard, the fuzzy brain after a long day of writing. The savoring of a lazy Sunday afternoon, recharging before work on Monday. Setting and reaching a never-ending list of petty goals that make up our lives. We take that for granted. The purpose of making a living, and enjoying it.
I love my life and those in it.
I love Enough.