Ever heard the story about the highschool student who saw a classmate drop a huge load of books? He helped the other boy pick them up and then shared the load carrying them home? They walked home together from then on untill the boys graduated. The boy that dropped the books graduated the top in his class and made the commencement address. In it he stated why he was carrying all of those books that day: he didn’t want his parents to have to come to the school and collect his things after he had committed suicide.
The Lord works in mysterious ways and has a great many angels to help him. We all know the heavenly ones, but are we familiar with the ones here on earth? The boy that helped his classmate didn’t do anything out of character, he just noticed that someone needed help and did so. God let him be an angel that day.
Whether we know it or not, we have all been angels at one time or another. I know I have. And I know I’ve met one or two as well. Someone I never met or didn’t know very well. Nothing out of the way to do, just seemed like it ought to be done.
The most important angels are here: they are us.