Wow! Been a while!
I have moved my blog to a real host now Yay me! I got tired of either my internet or private server not behaving properly. And they never behave at the same time.
Special thanks to Lacaille, of Aerandria Scans for hosting for me. Visit to say thanks and click on a few things :^^:
And now for the updates. As stated in and earlier post, I am no longer working nights. I have been moved to day shift. This happened back in August. It was either days or get layed off. I took days. Nothing like a little financial motivation to make up your mind for you. The work is ok and I really get along well with the other person in the dept. Sooo, all in all not a bad trade.
Boys are fine. We have semi-adopted my oldest son’s best friend AJ. He’s been great so far. Any one who does housework is great as far as i’m concerned and he does lots of it. Very much appreciated too. He is currently job hunting so he can get car insurance and save up for tuition. Plus the 2 younger boys really like having him around.
Husband will be having back surgery on the 22nd of Feb. He’s looking forward to it. Anything has to be better than 10 yrs of chronic pain. >.<
I'm looking forward to having my hubby back at 100%… ok 70%.
Going to AS9100 training the first week of March in Cape Canaveral Fla. Looking forward to spending some chilly evenings on the beach studying. I get to learn how to be an auditor. Lots of people need this service and it will look good on my resume.
That's about all that is going on around here for now. Perhaps I will post more later…