-botname- ** Closing Connection: Unable to transfer data (Value too large for defined data type)

I am trying to run the dinoex version of iroffer. I recently upgraded from Debian Etch (where everything worked fine) to Lenny. I also installed the latest stable release of Dinoex. Now I get this error. I can find nothing on this error pertaining to irc. Not even Dinoex knows how to fix it, and I asked him about it in his channel. There were no errors during the ./config, and no errors during make. The drives that the bot hosts are on a Winblows machine and accessed via samba shares. This setup worked fine before all the upgrades. Anyone who has any ideas, please post a comment.

OMG Finally!

Well, after much frustration and agony, my server is finally back. I have found that:

  • If you are going to use Samba, it helps to have it installed before you try to put in in the fstab as a file system.
  • You should really make the plugins and content folders on your server writable before you try to update plugins.
  • Spaces at the end of a .php file, particularly after the ?> can wreak havoc with your site.
  • Remembering passwords is an absolute must.
  • You should never forget about the file wp-config.php
    So after much googling and brainstorming, I have my blog back, hopefully it loads a bit faster and is a bit cleaner. Now if my internet would just behave… :tap:

  • Ddos? Me thinks not >:}

    Dunno if that’s what it was or not, but, after repeated router resets, I broke down and installed Wireshark (kudos to the developers, you rock). Lovely little proggie that packs quite a wallop. Seems someone in Brazil found it necessary to abuse my poor udp ports. So I fiddled with the router a bit and banned the whole country. 😈 My irc lag is back down below half a millisecond (where it should be) and all thing internet are moving like a well oiled machine. Who knew a packet sniffer could be so much fun :party: