What a busy month. My oldest son had a birthday on the 5th. It was a quiet evening. My son made 3 cheesecakes to take to school. Then my birthday was on the 10th. I had breakfast with my hubby and then went shopping with him with money my mom sent as a gift. Got a few gifts and had a really good day. On the 12th was my youngest son’s birthday. Since I had to be out of town that night, I stopped by a donut store one the way home and picked up a few cake donuts. My hubby met me with a candle and a lighter at the door, and on the way to school, I stuck the candle in the donut, lit it, and gave it my youngest. He called me insane, but I could tell he loved it.
After that, I had to go out of town for a meeting with my dad about starting a webstore. Looked promising until i googled the outfit. Yeah, bad results. So, wound up not doing that, but getting ideas for starting one up on my own. Still working on that, and its coming along fine.
As of the 23rd, I’m off for the year. I’m enjoying the time at mom’s. Christmas has been wonderful, and although it wasn’t the biggest, it has certainly been a good one. I can’t remember laughing this hard any previous yr.
It is now Christmas afternoon. The boys got a Wii system and games from my parents and they are enjoying that. Hubby and the youngest have gone fishing. It’s a lovely 78°f here. So I think I will grab a glass of wine and retire to the patio to contemplate the passing year. Hubby and I will prob leave for home tomorrow. We have plans to clean out the attic and wash the front of the house. Hopefully the warm weather will hold till we get the outside work done.
I’m looking forward to a nice New Year’s Eve, not sure if we will go out or not. Cash is still on the scarce side, so we may just go to bed. I have to go back to work on the evening of the 4th, so I still have a signifigant amount of time off.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and has a memorable new year 🙂