Most of us have jobs. And most of us bring home a paycheck. It is a system that works fairly well for the most part. We work 8 hours a day. That is more time, without a break, than we spend any other place, except for bed. And some of us don’t spend that much time in bed. Actually, most of us don’t. Not to mention our families. How much time do we spend with them? Maybe an hour in the morning, or 3 or 4 in the eveinig if we eat together. After work. After we have spent all day dealing with the crabby boss or contrary coworker. What do we bring to the table? Do we bring home the person our loved ones adore on the weekends, or do we bring home the tired drone covered in someone else’s crap? And how much does our choice of occupation have anything to do with it? Or our place of occupation? How do the people we work with influence our daily lives? How do we affect how our coworkers lives? What do we give them of ourselves to take home? What do we choose to take home of them? We need to consider these things. If we don’t like what we are doing, we shouldn’t be doing it. If we can’t have fun and enjoy the people we are around, we shouldn’t be there. We apply these rules to life, and we should apply them to work too. We take home so much more than just a paycheck, shouldn’t we bring home the good stuff?
Category:Life in General
Self Explanitory
Top 10 Uses for Acme Generic Holes
10. Something for the Roadrunner to torture the Coyote with for our entertainment.
9. Laundry Hamper – You never know when Mom is giving a surprise room inspection. Just pop one in the closet and no more dirty clothes, or anything else out of place…
8. Portable Door – Go through walls at your convenience. No fire escape? No Problem.
7. Annoyance Removal – Get rid of the crabby neighbor or pesky boss…
6. Hiding Place – Get rid of yourself…
5. Drain – Sink, bathtub, lake, w/e… (ummmm, yeah, not a good idea to drop one overboard, trust me)
4. Portable Toilet – Especially after #7.
3. Stupid Human Tricks – Set one up with caution tape and warning signs around it and watch folks test it and fall in. Hilarious.
2. Luggage – Have everything you own with you at all times… hmmmm.
1. Emo Art – Occupies them for days. They just understand it…
Sept 13, 2006. Yes, some time ago…
Its been raining here for about 2 days. No sun. Just dark grey
clouds. I love this kind of weather. I don’t know why, but I love
it. Its about 80. And raining. No thunder and lightening, just
And puddles. Lots of big fat juicy ones. You know the kind that Mom
used to kill us for messing with.
So here I am at work, and its raining and I have to go outside and get
a sample. Joy. I get to go out in the rain, my favorite weather.
And I have on my work boots. Big, steeltoed, higher than the ankle,
genuine leather, WATERPROOF, boots. And work jeans. The kind you
don’t fuss about getting dirty. Cuz u know its gonna happen.
Can you see where this is going?
So, out I go. Not many folks here today, not after 7 pm. Just me an
2 or 3 other people. They don’t have to go outside. Cool. No
Now. Where is that big, fat, juicy, puddle? The one that just has to
be jumped in for the principle of it?
There is just something about jumping into a big messy puddle that is
overwhelmingly joyous. The happiness that bubbles up from deep inside
is undenyable. It can cancel out the worst day. π
Ever heard the story about the highschool student who saw a classmate drop a huge load of books? He helped the other boy pick them up and then shared the load carrying them home? They walked home together from then on untill the boys graduated. The boy that dropped the books graduated the top in his class and made the commencement address. In it he stated why he was carrying all of those books that day: he didn’t want his parents to have to come to the school and collect his things after he had committed suicide.
The Lord works in mysterious ways and has a great many angels to help him. We all know the heavenly ones, but are we familiar with the ones here on earth? The boy that helped his classmate didn’t do anything out of character, he just noticed that someone needed help and did so. God let him be an angel that day.
Whether we know it or not, we have all been angels at one time or another. I know I have. And I know I’ve met one or two as well. Someone I never met or didn’t know very well. Nothing out of the way to do, just seemed like it ought to be done.
The most important angels are here: they are us.
Define Perfect
An exerpt from my sister’s LJ blog and my responce:
Someone, somewhere, probably during the dark agaes when the average lifespan was 25, decided that we should know what we want to do for the rest of our lives at an early age.
That same person probably started the viscious rumor that when we are adults we are supposed to know what we are doing and have it all together. We get this idea when we are children, when our parents still know thing about everything. Then we grow up thinking that when we grow up, we too will know everything about everything, have it all together, and be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!…Then we grow up, don’t know what we want to do tomorrow (much less the rest of our lives), that we have very llittle together, and that it takes at least two bounds to get over the tall buildings.
I don’t know a single friend that has everything all together. You may have a great career and be a great parent, but the house is a wreck, or you are terrible at relationships, or can’t decide on a career, but have a great education and everyone THINKS you have it all together.
No one has it figued out and no one has it all together. Even if we don’t advertise it, it makes me feel better that I am not the only person that may wake up and wonder, be confused, do or say the wrong thing, or just simply have no clue. Even if we hide it well, no one has it all togther all the time.
I repeat that to myself when I look at my closet that is out of control, can’t find the other shoe, call a friend to give me reasons not to call him, or when tripping over something in front of a gorgeous man.
If it’s not true, just let me live in ignorant bliss….
um well, maybe, just maybe God knew what he was doing when he made us like this. I dunno, just seems like things would be pretty booring if while living, we didnt change and grow. i mean, how can stagnation be perfect? and if you had all together, what kind of goal could you work for? Seems to me, it has an awful lot to do with which side of the fence the grass you’re looking at is on. Me? I have 3 careers, (not all at once, but i tried that and it didnt work out too well…), My house looks like someone picked it up and shook it, I have my days and nights mixed up( its 2 am and i’m wide awake) and i would love to get thru a day without totally ruining something. BUT things are about as together as i want them. Who else can go puddle jumping (yes i did…splash!!!) at midnight? π