
I went online via IRC today for the first time in 7 years today.

I know I’ve been gone from my channels for a while, but what I didn’t expect was the complete and total wasteland that I found. Literally no channels I had been in before still existed. I am crushed. There are only a fraction of the channels on the OFTC servers. IRCHighway is the same. I know life happens, it’s why I had been away for 7 years. I did see a few familiar names, but only 3 of 4. So saddening to see what is left of a once vibrant online community. IRC is outdated now, replaced by slack and Discord, but I had hoped, I had hoped.

I wonder if any of them are on the new applications? And if they are, are they still using the old nicks? Le sigh. Nostalgia

It’s Aliiiiiiive!

Back from the dead even.

For a while, I wondered if I could bring it back. With hope, a lot of research, and about 4 consecutive 16 hour days, I have succeeded. I wound up finding a new theme; jumping into PHP with no experience and trying to recode a WordPress theme – yeah, no. Not a good idea. It would have been bad, very bad, awful. Probably for both me and my blog. While I will more than likely still learn to code, I think starting slow will be much better. I am settling for learning to document API’s for now. It is in line with my career and will add a huge branch to my skill set tree. Plus there is the added advantage of learning some code along the way. I am already familiar with enterprise infrastructure and how to document that, so hopefully this will fit into the patchwork of my multiple careers.

I am currently job hunting. Abrupt layoffs, cancelled or completed contracts, and downsizing are occupational hazards in my line of work. So is the financial hardship brought about by these events. I’m tired of never knowing when stuff like this will happen, so I am also taking steps to alleviate my insecurities. Hopefully in the next few month I will have a new website up and running to make this happen. This endeavor will take time and be labor intensive, need a real project plan, and more than one person. I have a retired husband who can help with that. I hope. He won’t stick to it if he isn’t interested, but the possible financial impact to our checking account should be a major motivator. We have run a business together before, and were very successful. I will post more on this later.


Greater Than its Parts

So, I decided that my happiness was my responsibility a long time ago. I’m happy because I want to be, and I keep myself around people and environments that facilitate my desired state. That being said, it does not mean that others don’t contribute to said state. This week has been GLORIOUS! All but one child is here with me, the spouse also, work is going incredibly well, and I have become friends with some of the most thoughtful and generous souls. I have spent the entire week in fellowship. As far as contributions are concerned, my cup runneth over. I feel like I’m about to pop and spew happy everywhere. “HAPPY HERE, GET YA FREE HAPPY HERE! SNAG A HUG AND SOME HAPPY, GOT YA RIGHT HERE!” And because I’m happy to begin with, it just stacks. Like gaming stats or something. I am so thankful for the people around me. I want to share the joy and the love. So smiles everywhere, and favors galore. To those around me Thank you for being part of my happy 🙂