Shipping Smiles

I once made some cookies for someone. This is the note I put inside:

Enclosed in this tin are 24 Genuine Smiles. For best results, serve and share fresh, and by surprise. Smiles go well with hugs, kisses, winks, other gifts, or right out of the tin by themselves. Genuine smiles are hard to come by, so garnish only with the best!

These smiles are made with only the finest natural ingredients, such as love, wishes, dreams, and fancies. Beware of imitations that may use ingredients such as sarcasm, spite, vengeance, and arrogance. While they may taste as sweet, they tend to leave a bitter taste behind them.

WARNING: It has been determined that disregarding smiles can be hazardous to your health. In case of accidental disregard, apply apology with generous amounts of compassion and understanding. Consult your heart immediately.

My Favorite Weather


Thank you for the rain

thank you for washing the dust off my jaded eyes
thank you for the lightning that reminds me of your power
thank you for the thunder that reminds me of your strength
thank you for the wind that reminds me of your presence
thank you for the storm that keeps me humble
thank you for the puddles that bring me joy
thank you for the drops that kiss my cheeks with your loving forgiveness as they wash my soul clean.